Drawings Galleries


"Porque Matéria e Espírito são apenas nomes confusos

Dados à grande sombra que ensopa o Exterior em sonho

E funde em Noite e Mistério o Universo Excessivo!"

Because Matter & Spirit are merely fuzzy names given to the huge shadow which smothers the Exterior World  in sleep & and plunges this Excessive Universe into Night and Mystery! (my translation)

Fernando Pessoa-Álvaro de Campos


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The animations above will take you the various Galleries. Each gallery is a different level. Level? Level of what? Well, one of the animations will take you to an explanation


¿Nunca has estado aquí?

Haz clic en las animaciones, cada una coresponde a una galería distinta, Cada galería es un nivel. ¿Un nivel de qué? Pues haz clic y encontrarás la respuesta 



Click each hemisphere . . .       . . . to see where it belongs


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Copyright © 2005-2022 Denis Murphy. All rights reserved. Revised: 02 Mar 2023 13:30 .